

Outside Business Advisor

I serve small to medium size, closely held businesses as an outside, independent member of the Management Team. Like an independent director of a public company, I offer advice, perspective, and expertise to the management team. As an outsider who is not wholly dependent on the business for a salary, I am free to speak the truth, challenge assumptions, and combat groupthink. As an experienced entrepreneur and business advisor, I bring wisdom and perspective to the team. As a proven leader, I help mold an effective team and create a shared vision for the team. As a trained and experienced strategic planner and decision-maker, I help create a framework for effective strategic planning and improve decision quality.


Strategy Planning

Regular strategic planning is a powerful tool for any management team. I lead one- and two-day strategy planning sessions for management teams. Each session is unique for that team: based on their desires, the stage of business they’re in, how often they engage in planning. This can be done as a stand-alone service, as a part of my Outside Business Advisory services, and can also be offered in conjunction with other experts such as Phil Yanov.